Keep Lancaster Beautiful is a community based all-volunteer organization headquartered in Lancaster County, Virginia.
Our mission is to promote and maintain a safe, clean, and healthy environment throughout Lancaster County VA by developing educational outreach programs to inspire our citizens to respect and enhance the beauty of our homeland by participating in litter prevention conversations, organizing roadside and waterfront cleanups, and embracing vocal political action.
Our 5-Point Mission:
(1) To Encourage and Educate Students and all Community members to Protect and Preserve the Beauty of our 'homeland'.
(2) To Enforce Removal Actions relating to the County’s existing Abandoned Vehicle Regulations.
(3) To Promote Voluntary Agreements with Landowners to establish set-back requirements to properly hide the impact of land-scarring Timber Cutting activities.
(4) To Establish Legal Regulations to Forbid Highway Billboard Advertising.
(5) To Seek Public Grants to Fund the improvement or removal of Dilapidated Structures.
Get Involved! We are now seeking Area Leaders to serve as Monitors, Organizers, and Motivators to coordinate citizen activism within each of the ten geographic sectors established throughout Lancaster County VA.
We Need You! Please reach out now to bring your ideas and energy to the front line of this important mission.
William R. Hornbeck, Executive Director
Once considered a minor nuisance to society, this troublesome species continues to impact a wide range of community environments throughout Lancaster County.
Using its unique evolutionary form of camouflage, the Chuck-Chuck bird lays its eggs alongside local roadways in a form that imitates a selection of beer cans, bottles, plastic jugs, and an occasional resemblance to a McDonald’s take-out bag.
Nevertheless, four out of five Waste Product Professionals agree that these eggs are safe to remove and destroy. The recommended instructions given are for anyone who stumbles upon the nests of these egregious pests should destroy the eggs immediately. The method most described is for residents to quickly remove the eggs from view by carefully sealing them in a black plastic bag to be delivered to the local garbage dump.
Once removed from view, the Chuck-Chuck bird will recognize the eradication of its nest as a threat to its existence and will seek out a distant habitat or forego the distribution of its eggs entirely.
Should you see the Chuck-Chuck bird nearby or know of someone who keeps the bird in their home as a pet, it is recommended that you take additional steps to provide training in a way that will incentivize these creatures to move their nests to the local landfill.
With everyone’s cooperation, there is hope that we can finally rid our environment of these pests so that each of us can continue to enjoy our lovely homeland. Let’s do it!
~ WRHornbeck
Neither Land, Air, nor Water should ever be spoiled by the carelessness of our neighbors.
Abandoned and Inoperable Vehicles create a Blight upon our land!
Become a Volunteer Sector Leader to coordinate organizational action plans within one of the ten geographic area of Lancaster County.
It doesn't have to be this way! Join us in our quest to initiate partnerships to establish a non-cut tree line buffer along our roadways.
Display Advertising helps us build public awareness of the organization and of the need for volunteers. Send us your idea for an eye-catching Header on this Image.
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